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Sexy gay men nude

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We have worked on numerous building projects together over the years and have become great friends. hairy chest and arms, rugged, always a 5:00 shadow. He is the epitome of what you would think a construction worker would look like. I most certainly like to have my cock sucked.Įd (not his real name) and I have known each other for years. I can deepthroat just about any size cock (really). Nice hairy ass and a very tight hole that likes to get attention. I am 5'10', 32' waist, 7' cut cock, low hangers, thick bush but a smooth chest with a nice trail and not trimmed anywhere. It seems like I can never have enough sex, even now. I am in my early 60's now so over the years I've had sex with 100's of men. A little about me: I am a 100% out, proud, gay versatile man and fuckin love to have sex with men.

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